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Demospongiae. Molecular phylogeny of Demospongiae: implications for classification and scenarios of character evolution. The Demospongiae have an ancient history.

Class Demospongiae
Class Demospongiae (Nathan Hamilton)
Thumbnail description Soft, elastic, but also tough, friable, or hard, frequently brightly colored sponges. Demosponges (Class Demospongiae) are the most diverse class in the phylum Porifera. The freshwater sponges belong to this class; they are frequently.

Their geographic distribution in the marine environment is from the intertidal to the abyssal zone; some species inhabit freshwater.

Siliceous sponge, any sponge in which the main skeletal component is silica as opposed to calcium.

Common Sponge - Polymastia sp.

Common Sponges - Demospongiae

Common Sponge - Polymastia sp.


Porifera (sponges), class: Demospongiae | Western ...

Demospongiae - Skeletal Evolution

Common Sponges - Demospongiae

Porifera - Demospongiae(sponges)

Palaeos Metazoa: Porifera: Tetractinomorpha

Demospongiae (es); Demospongiae (co); рогови (bg); Demospongiae (ro); 尋常海綿綱 (zh-hk); Horn- och kiselsvampar (sv); звичайні губки (uk); 尋常海綿綱 (zh-hant); 寻常海绵纲 (zh-cn). A class of the phylum Porifera, including sponges with a skeleton of one-to four-rayed siliceous spicules, or of spongin fibers. Demospongiae is the most diverse class in the phylum Porifera.
